
Should I stay, should I go?(home country)

Some of you might knew that I wanted to go abroad and have been looking for jobs across EU, Canada and Japan.

Recently I found a job in Europe and got an invite for video meeting. It's most likely they will want to hire me.

Yet, I'm lost in my thoughts. The job is in one of the Baltic countries and gross salary is 2200 EUR and net income will be around 1650 EUR. So the money is not the best but not the worst either. It's better than what I earn here in Turkey tho.

I lived in Japan for around 2,5 years and I should say that getting used to a different culture and environment is not easy at all.

What If I can't manage to hold on in Europe and finding myself in a situation where I (and my wife) might have to return back to Turkey. In that case, I probably will have big trouble find a job here. Even If I find a job, I probably won't find an apartment with a reasonable price because prices are sky rocketing in Turkey recently. I also have my wife's life's responsibility so that's why I have to make a precise and accurate decision.

I have like 2 weeks to decide. I hope I can overcome this with the best result. It will be a all or nothing decision for us. Result will change our life. But, in a what way?

If there is anyone reading this with similar experience, I would be glad to hear your experiences.

I will make another post when I decide what to do. Until then, wish me luck.